Saturday 25 June 2011

Detective School Q

This is my favorite anime of all time. I absolutely love it, I used to watch it as a kid and still love to watch it. i just wish they made more seasons for this anime. It's basically the best thriller, comic, heart gripping and absolutely the best detective series out there. Its also known as 'Dan Detective School' or 'Detective Academy Q'. It's a must view and amazing experience.

It's about this boy named Que who is extremely smart and talented, though young. He has a dream of turning into a great detective- which he gets from his mentor, the detective that saved him when he was kidnapped as a child- he turns out to be much more than a mentor later, but you need to watch the anime to understand that. Fate plays a hand by helping him achieve his dream, he meets young Magumi who has a photographic memory and Kinta a strong high school-er and learns about an academy called Dan Detective School that recruits, trains and takes the help of young adults with abilities of becoming great detectives, they are respected even by the police. After getting involved in a tragedy where a man is killed and effectively solving the case he is given the offer to join the school. On his journey he meets more important friends like Kazuma a computer genius and Riu someone just like Que. They together form class Q of the school and are admired by their principal- detective Dan. So it's all about how each of them strive to become better at their jobs. the various plots, murder's, way's of revealing them and presentation will blow your mind. towards the end the bond between Que and Riu is stressed on, but before that we are left with the question who is Riu in reality and what are his intentions?

If I have to find any disadvantages of this anime it would be that they did not make enough episodes! being a typical detective series fan I cant find any flaws here. but from the point of view of a person who does not love these type of series, it could get a bit dull with all the explanations for the different murders and plots but otherwise it will change your mind and make you love it.

I give it a 10/10. a perfect score for a perfect anime. If you wish to catch the entire series I recommend-

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Hayate The Combat Butler

This is one of the most random, funny, slightly pervish and crazy anime's out there. if your bored or even depressed this anime will do the trick and cheer you up- that or your stomach will pain due to laughing so much! the anime will plunge you in a world of senseless laughter and you will always want to watch the next show.  its got 2seasons, the first one slightly better than the second. but overall, i love this anime and it's one of my favorite one's of all time. not only is the animation quality great but it also has amazing theme's, dialogues, etc.

The story line is quite simple, its about a boy named Hayate who is around 15 years old and has been abandoned by his parents, who conveniently left him with a debt of 156,804,000 yen on his head that's right about a hundred and fifty million, which keeps adding up . And to top things off they gave him a very "wonderful' childhood. he is desperate for money and works very hard to earn it, but the people who he owes money to are pressurizing him to pay fast. so he decides so kidnap a rich. spoilt girl named Nagi Sanzanin but ends up saving her from real kidnappers! so typically she falls in love with him but he treats her like a kid - which she is. he is offered a job as the family butler, which is a very difficult job because he has to help with the housework, save Nagi from all possible dangers, protect the family name and try to live a normal life at the same time - the latter does not work out so well though. in the end he strives to become a great butler, faces the competition of other family butlers and merges with Nagi's friend circle. but above all this anime is about the butler, mistress bond formed between them. As the story continues we learn secrets of his past which catch up to the present and rage havoc and we keep guessing about his future........

Then again this anime has draw backs like the seldom poor jokes, the lack of consistency to the story line, the number of love circles which can cause many comic scenes but still get annoying and you sometimes feel sorry for Hayate and his bad luck :p.

I give this anime a 9/10,  its worth it.

I also released my next post really late -i apologize for that i was caught up with some work. ill be putting up a new post every Sunday so check them out!
oh, and you can see the episodes for the ainme i've put up at sites like youtube,,, if there not on tv.

Friday 10 June 2011

Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood

If you like epic, completely non-cliche and mind blowing story lines then this is the anime for you.
this anime should be given an award for having an amazing story line. if you have seen the old version
of Full Metal Alchemist (not many have) you will find that, the animators have made huge improvements in the
quality of animation, dubbing, story and character's

this anime is basically about two brothers Edward (Ed) and Alphonse (Al) Erik. they live in an age where alchemy is a common talent- here alchemy is a form of conversion of equivalent exchange eg. alchemist's can convert one thing of equal value to another thing of equal value like an eye for an eye...well only with different objects. some can call it magic, it's not. the science behind the alchamy has been explained in an amazing way,
i have got to compliment the creators for that! back to the story these brothers loose their mom when they were kids while they are still learning alchamy and end up trying to bring her back using it, but their exchange was unequal as they sacrifice two drops of their blood each with a bunch of stuff of their mom - i know real smart right? and as a punishment for doing so one of Ed's hand and leg were taken away while Al looses his entire body- but his soul is forced into a suit of armor by Ed, again using alchamy. so basically this story is all about how they try to get their body/body parts back and the twists, turns and problems they face during their journey. not to mention the government conspiracies and important people and friends they meet. but their journey leads them to find out something much worse.................

so out of ten I give this anime a 8 1/2. this may be a great anime but it has its own problems like: if you miss at least 3 episodes in a row you will be completely lost with the story and you will have missed a lot of action and excitement.

so ya, this was my first official post, if you like it please hit the follow button on the top right hand side of the screen. thanks for reading

Thursday 9 June 2011


im just like most of you guys who absolutely love anime, in fact i cant get enough of it.
each anime is unique in it own way - we have an anime for literally every type of person!
i admire all animators, the effort required to create even just an episode is huge let alone seasons,
don't you sometimes feel anime has not been given as much preference as it should be given? well
i hope we can change that some day.
for me the best place to catch anime is Animax - if you've not seen it yet go check it out now!

i have created this blog for a reason - to rate, advertise and give previews on existing anime.
and id love for you guys to follow my blog, leave comments,etc.

i want to see the number of anime fans we have out there, you can start reading about shows here
and actually watch them if you like its description - i mean, you never know what great anime may be
waiting for you to watch which you may have not even heard of!

anyways im gonna start putting up posts about each anime soon, and i hope you people will read all of them.